Saturday, September 5, 2020

Yunseong Cut His Hair and Became A...Chestnut?

Go and look at Hwang Yunseong's new pics...

He cut his hair andㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠbecame a chestnutㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
He's so cute f*ck


┓┓┃/ . ` Hwang Yunseong
┓┓ : .\○ノ  is f*cking cute!!!
┓┓┃ ` /
┓┓┃ `ノ) .
┓┓┃ ,
┓┓┃    But if I die
┓┓┃ I can't see Yunseong anymore?
┓┓┃    ○ (Lands softly)
┓┓┃    人       
┓┓┃    /)
┓┓┃ ┎━━━━━┒


[+17 | -0] You're f*cking adorable, Yunseong-ah ㅠㅅㅜ

[+12 | -0] How have you been doing, seriously...

[+11 | -0] Is it that thing that Yunseongie became a model for? Congrats congrats

[+4 | -0] Yunseong-ah, when are you coming out..I'm only waiting for you...Upload something, even just a practice room video on Youtube. I miss you so much

[+4 | -0] I'm a fan of another idol but I hope Yunseong will do well❤️

[+4 | -0] F*ck, he's f*cking handsome

[+4 | -0] It's been a long time, Yunseongieㅠㅠㅠㅠ

[+3 | -0] A newly released picture!! Seriously, this CEO works better than Woollimㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ


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